Subject: DEATH: V1.50 Death Masters Door Author: RPG2100 Uploaded By: RPG2100 Date: 2/27/1996 File: DEATH150.ZIP (212338 bytes) Estimated Download Time (23524 baud): < 2 minutes Download Count: 850 Keywords: Garcia, BBS, Game, Sysop, Hell, Challenge, Khalal Type: Shareware Shareware Uploaded by Author DEATH MASTERS is a fully customizable game of gruesome action. Set in hell, the most extreme of scenarios, players will try to escape by defeating the ancient Death Master Khalal. Along their way, they must mutate by mastering the art of DEATH in order to carry weapons mere mortals can't. A powerful TRIVIA engine rewards players for their knowledge of real-life facts, making the game an educational experience as well. The AMAZING ANSI screens will bring users in. The awesome power of DEMOTIONS will make them stay! New in this version: Version 1.50 fixes the last known bugs of the game, including: - a SERIOUS memory leak when posting public announcements - a bug found at the bank - the mistake made on v1.40 of leaving the -CFG parameter unsupported - A new option, "[B]lind enemies spell," has been added to the level Master's menu - 2 more levels have been coded so the game now ends at level 18 - Five more weapons were added in the process. - the files DMBBS_AD.ANS and DMBBS_AD.ASC have been added to help you advertise the game to your users - many more enhancements. Documentation: READ.!!!, SYSOP.DOC, README.1ST Downloads of Previous Version(s): 816